Sunday, December 25, 2005


oh the past few days has really been hectic! ya totally busy with shopping! big a shopping that am sure i managed to put a BIG hole in my father's pocket as well as mine! somehow shopping for a girl is a never ending processs i guess bcoz how much ever we shop there is something or the other pending! but am atleast happy that its kind of a purposeful shopping coz its basically for my office wear! formals, salwars, foot wear, looks like as if its been ages since i shopped! so much to buy! n iam proud to say that i spent more than my 2 months salary n its only been 2 months since i started working :)....

the most affected person in the post shopping phase-more than my father, it was my brother! somehow the first time i showed him all those pretty salwars n foot wears, he was just highly shocked! he even kind of believed me when i told him that i purchased all these to open a shop! :)

so this made me wonder the difference between a man n a woman when it comes to shopping! this definitely excepts my dad coz i think he is one person who loves shopping both for himself n for others! i mean i just love going out for shopping with him coz i almost always end up purchasing more than i intended to buy :)......guess am lucky! but when it comes to other men......uffffff so much of fuss just for a little bit of shopping! i dont know what pains them so much to give a suggestion......its either "everything just looks great on u" or "i dont think the shop has anything good".....u can never catch them giving a mediocre answer! but sometimes cant blame them coz the things that women buy should be greek n latin.......what with all the accessories n everything :)......

but its not only the suggestions that the men r bored off but they r just repulsive to the very term "shopping".........they somehow consider shopping a big waste of time n i wonder y coz they definitely like the women around them, their mum, wife, sister, fiancee, friend n just everyone to be well dressed! y r men not interested to shop both for themselves n also for others? is it bcoz they just dont have enough variety so they r just not bothered about it or the men of the species just have it in their gene not to shop too much.......

i guess all we could do is wonder when they'll change...!:)

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