Saturday, June 27, 2009

Dearest Michael

Finally! FINALLY... Finally u decided to find ur own peace that mere mortals like us couldnt let u live with... A life that blossomed to its fullest through ur death!

We.. or even I didnt bother about ur life or otherwise a few weeks back... But here I am right now, mourning over ur death for the past one week... words just doesnt seem to put through the heaviness i feel inside n am quite astonished myself to accept it here on a public forum... How much u have affected a complete, not-so-die-hard-a-fan stranger!?? My every morning n every night is filled with nostalgia... the times i subconsciously decided u were just immortal... But U did look the part didnt u!?

So much to talk about, so much to read about, so much to learn about, so much.... just so much is rushing to my mind all at the same time... have a feeling as long as i dont express it in words, that atleast, would truely remain immortal... Will finish this post with one quote that applies to u...

"When you were born, u cried while the world rejoiced.
Live ur life in such a way that when u die, the world cries while u rejoice"

U were one person i know who lived such a life... inspite of all those screw ups n hiccups n all sorts of non sense, u still remain in our hearts for ur incomparable genius...

But, u can never ever die...

Proud to have lived during ur era Michael...

Love u!!!!!!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Bathroom Time Killers

The inventor of western closet was a GENIUS!!!!!! wat comfort... wat bliss... Privacy at its best! One place where no one can enter or anyone could disturb... the outside world is completely shut... past and future completely forgotten... wat remains is the blissful present!!! Awwww.. n wat bliss!!!

But i do come across those times when the morning paper was already read during the morning session... there is no other interesting book to keep me occupied... mobile is on charge so cant take it inside! PANIC...

So once when all the serene tranquility was surrounding me in the bathroom, i heard myself think... When such are the impediments to take away all the fun from life, how do we rise above them!? The answer was, bathrooms were not only meant for long reads, never ending conversations n goosebumpin enlightenment but can also be a stadium for many You vs You tournaments!!!! :D read on if u wanna know more...

Disclaimer: Urgency will definitely not work well... Edhuvaa irundhaalum ppppplan pannnni pannanum!!!!

Trash Can Frisbee

Wat u need: A wastepaper basket n some paper plates... if the waste paper basket aint big enough to hold the paper plates, use a cardboard box or a paper shoppin bag... place the basket on the bathroom floor as far from the toilet as u can...

How to play: Fling the paper plates like frisbees... see if u can throw them into a wastepaper basket... for a bigger challenge, try to boomerang them off a wall into the basket!

Bathroom Darts

Wat u need: A tin, a saucer, a small glass n small objects to throw ( coins or cups from discarded toothpaste tubes work well! )

How to play: Put the glass in the centre of the saucer, n put the saucer in the centre of the tin... set them all down on the bathroom floor a few feet from the toilet... thats ur "dart board"! :P
Toss the coins ("Darts") at ur target... if they land in the glass, u get 10 points... if they land in the saucer, u get 5... if they land in the tin, u get 1... if u score too well, move the target farther away to make it more challenging... U also get to perk up ur memory n math in the process by calculatin ur scores :D

Bathroom Blow Gun

Wat u need: A soda straw, some wooden matches n a hat or somethin hollow!

How to play: Turn the hat or upside down n place it on the bathroom floor a good distance away from the toilet... put a match in the straw, hold the straw up to ur mouth, n blow... try to shoot all the matches into the hat!

Fun With a Funnel

Wat u need: A rubber ball n a funnel... the funnel needs to big enough to hold the ball...

How to play: Hold the pointy end of the funnel... bounce the ball off the wall opposite the closet n try to catch it in the funnel on the rebound...

Bathroom Bouncy Ball

Wat u need: An egg carton or an empty ice tray n some ping pong balls...

How to play: Write different point values in each of the 12 cups of the egg carton or the ice tray... then place it on the bathroom floor a few feet from the toilet...
Try to bounce the ping pong balls into the carton or tray... start with one bounce, then, as ur skills improve, move the carton farther away n bounce the balls twice before they go into the cups... add up the values of ur score...

Bathroom Broken Neck Preventer

Wat u need: All the stuff u just spread out all over the bathroom floor to play all these games i just taught u...

How to play: pick up all the stuff off the bathroom floor, before somebody gets killed!!!!