Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Yesterday Was Over Yesterday

Our past has left us a long time back; yet most of us continue to carry it in our heads and continue to be affected by it... U can help a person caught in the jaws of a crocodile. But how do u help a person who thinks he is caught in the jaws of a crocodile, while all he has is just the picture of a crocodile under his feet? The past has no reality except in the memory in which it is processed!

Nothing is a greater retardant to growth than the burden of the emotional baggage of the past... Yday was over yday n thats the reality... Today is a new day... Today is a new beginning n this is the reality... When that reality is accepted, guess our sufferings will cease instantly... 'Yday was over yday' is not an intellectual understanding. It is about emotional acceptence...

To unburden ourselves from the past, dont we need to offload our emotional baggage first? The trouble with emotional baggage is that it gives one scratched spectacles to view the world... When the spectacles r scratched, everything we see appears to be scratched too... There is an incapability of seeing life as it is n its seen only through the experiences of the past... Our past is more of an experience that we rqd to gain this maturity rather than a source of hurt n agony...

No point in living like a psychological antique... dont make life an imposition... let not our days be photocopies... our pasts exists nowhere except now, here in our own memories... Its time to wake up from this psychological slumber... What is the point in wasting another drop of tears on the past? Let every cell of our body reverbate... Yday was over yday... Let us draw a line to the past...

Carrying is an effort!

Dropping is a decision!!

Many of us have been labouring over our emotional baggage... Lets make a decision n drop it...

The person we will become in life is waiting for us in the future!


Abhay said...

u're rite, memory does play tricks at all times.
the flip side is, if we dint have memory, there'd be no purpose to live for....

Excited 2 B Alive said...

hmmmm.. memory is absolutely essential... the attachement n the cling that we have over a few is what is quite dangerous...

Anonymous said...

Good one and to be followed 100% by people.

But can really people forget everything and carry on with their life?

Is it so easy?


Excited 2 B Alive said...

well.. something that is easy is usually not something that needs to be done..