Sunday, October 29, 2006

For the first time in my life... been torn apart right, left n centre... everytime something happened i thought that was the worst... never knew there was more to it... never realised it n been naive all the while... Doubtful whether every hurt heals... it could heal...

rather, it should heal...

Excited to be alive!! To have tasted one more flavour of life...


Anonymous said...

you write well.pursue. and try writing articles as a free lance writer

Anonymous said...

hmmm..... ever wondered as to what limit the human endurance can be stretched to ?we never get to know that ,do we ? every hurt heals...its t scar that remains...a scar seen as a blemish or as a souvenir to be proud off depends solely on t way we look at life..hoping all these flavour makes u one helluva strong person to look upto..... u tc mommie