Wednesday, March 01, 2006

This is one of my favourite snaps...

its so beautiful... so alluring... so fresh.... so simple.... so innocent...

the beauty of this snap lies in its simplicity... the focus on something so inconsequential... so inconsequential but still so magnificent.... as if i had never come across a drop in my life... i was stunned to realise that such small things have been happening all around me from the time i was born but still i failed to see its beauty. this snap made me look at life with a microscope, searching for all the small things that made a difference... it was shocking to find a master piece everywhere i went... guess we'll always have a reason if we r ready to be happy... like the happiness of looking at my mother n falling into her arms now n then,
the tears that well up when helpless old ppl beg for alms,
the shy smile of my niece when she is complimented,
the small talks that i have with my father,
watching my brother have his mushy talks with his fiancee',
the meaningless excitment in looking at a rainbow,
the view from the balcony of my 5th floor apartment with a hot chocolate in hand,
the relief after praying from all my heart,
always trying to act calm after a compliment,
the celebration of the rain drops when they become a part of the puddle,
the rain that draws a transperent screen all over the city,
the light breeze that just gives a peck on the cheek on its way,
the sun that fights before it leaves everyday putting up a drama in colours,
lovers holding hands watching a beautiful sunset,
having a rapid conversation with no words,
the soft squishy smile of a baby, the simple joy in window shopping,
the sensuous dance of a flame on the lamp,
the spark when two eyes meet,
the trickle of sweat that just slides down ever so slow after a heavy work out,
the thrill before reading a new book,
the fulfillment after accomplishing something difficult,
sniffing the delicious aroma of food while entering home,
the smell of earth after a heavy spell of rain,
watching the stars on a clear night from the top of a mountain....

after looking at the small miracles that happens around me everyday, somehow the concept of macro n micro unified into one bcoz an atom is macro to a nucleaus, a cell is macro to an atom, a tissue is macro to a cell..........n it goes on......where the earth becomes macro to the humans.... but at the solar systam is macro to our earth n the galaxy is macro for this system n the universe is macro for the galaxy!!!! does it stop there??? or is there something beyond the universe??? is our universe just a cell?? i dont wanna go beyond this when i know no one knows the answer for now..... so lemme as well be happy by making myself macro n looking at things....


Pushan Sikdar said...

I dnt know how much time u took for writing this way..but thought processing in really beautifull.

Punit Vanjani said...

nice thought... you added one more fringe to my thought also... :)

now i got this is how blogging helps