Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Y do things happen in life?

Rather y do 'some' things happen in life??

Its kinda safe for us to believe life is run by destiny and not petty accidents! But reality lies far!!!Some things happen and as all human beings rightfully feel at times, we are either happy or sad through it.. And we think it has happend for a reason! Then, that one thing changes to another and life still moves on and we beautifully give it another meaning.. And carry on riding it. That another thing out of no where lose all consequence and changes into something else again. And u r left with a remenent of all those changes. The worst part being, it makes you wonder y those changes happened at all????

But like how a movie needs a set of happenings to form a story and move it forward, ours need a random barage of happenings too to pass our time!!


Anonymous said...

Sometimes... do check your premises!

Vinod Ramamoorthy said...

I have no complaints about the major "happenings" in life - good or bad. But it is the smaller things that makes me wonder if that too had any significance at all.If everyone and everything is designed to be at some place at a time, it would have to be a one hell of a network programming that is done by nature :)

* Remembers Hrithik's drinking seen in ZNMD! *

Vijay Anand said...

The one thing that makes us human is the amazing ability to adapt, even if it means we have to tailor make some stories to validate our existence :)