Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Happy republic Day

Am a patriot.. Am SO FREAKIN PROUD to be an Indian woman.. Am proud my grandfather was a freedom fighter and he fought so hard to free this nation.. he had his own press to publicise wat he believed in.. he was put in jail at one point in time and lost his 5 yr old daughter in the process.. he has withstood the lathi charges of firangs and even some Indians who worked for the britishes (i dont blame them though.. food for one's family becomes more important than freedom sometimes)!! he fought more so to free India from the ill-treatment, than the britishes themselves.. If thats the case, I would say we still havent managed to achieve complete freedom cos we are still fighting ill-treatment from our own people..

Many responsibilities are conveniently forgotten for that extra bit of personal gratification either in terms of money, power or ego! Some politicians, like diapers, have to b changed often and worse.. mostly for the same reason!

Wat went wrong in the attitude of our people durin the last 63 years of freedom?
Wat makes them take our freedom for granted when so many of our own blood have shed theirs for our well being?
Wat rights do a few individuals have, to decide whether to share a natural resource with a neighbouring state!?
Wat rights do individuals have to divide the nation in the name of birth right n community?
Wat r the rights, as Indian citizens, have we decided to exercise than complain wat we dont have?
How many of us even respect the national anthem enough to stand up n salute while its being played?
Wat makes some so not proud of the nation that has given them a life and an identity!

It is but human tendency to pursue peace and unite when there is a problem bigger than life! But let us not wait for something bigger than 26/11 happen to unite us whole heartedly!

Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.. so let us learn and overcome the mistakes we've been making individually, as a group, as a community n finally as a nation!

No nation is perfect.. It needs to b MADE perfect.. As Indians, let us face that responsibility.. let our children be proud of us for the future we create for them in this nation..

To My love, My life, My history, My present, My future, My all, My nation.. My India



Anonymous said...

All ok! Wasnt it 26/11? :) like / hate 24 too much huh?

Jai Hind!

The familiar anonymity.

Excited 2 B Alive said...

hahahaha.. mayb!