Thursday, November 08, 2012

Beat ittttttttt

For some reason I was kinda down n upset.. the whole day!!
I went home n started playing master chef with my 3 yr old nephew..
We got us a few pieces carrot, radish, coconut, coriander leaves n a few other things that were lying orphan on the kitchen counter..
N I was following every instruction of his to the t..
All of a sudden my downness took the better of me n I looked aalinth wid a sad face!
He asked me, ' athai, wat happened??'
I said, 'am feeling very sad baby!'
He just replied 'take it out, let's beat it!!!'
That's it.. that's all I needed to hear to get back to my high self!!
I just took all the sadness n placed it on the plate n both of us just beat it up to pulp :-)
God made babies for a reason.. n that's to make our world a better n happier place to live in!!

Saturday, February 11, 2012


when am into something, i get sensitive to each n every detail, n am not satisfied till i try getting its' 100%.. if i dont, am not happy..

if am not into something, i dont care abt too many details, but i still try finding that something i will get the 100% from.. if i dont, am not happy..

but at the end of the day, during both these situations n being inbetween as well, am not so unhappy either..

am kinda happy.. but am not satisfied unless its 100%..

so where does that leave me?!

am either quite eccentric or a normal human being!