Thursday, June 14, 2007

Wow... Failure!

Whats with failure n all the negative vibes that is associated with it...

Failure is an instance where the required skill, effort or intelligence were more or less insufficient than what is required to finish the goal 'perfectly'.
[Perfection is again a relative term... it is impossible to coin the term perfection! Many ppl might say its a state of zero fault but we could rather say its just the highest embodiment of something n there is nothing beyond that... call it heaven if u want to :)]

The game is all about probability (the math enthusiasts might find it easier to follow)... u either win it or lose it... is there anything in between? NEVER! It is all split into 50%... Everything n everyone is given an equal chance.. no partiality in the game of life...

If success is the pinnacle of life, then it requires a tailor made recipe.. a recipe that would work only with one person... its more similar to our mobile numbers...

For example, If one wants to dial the number 98840-12345 ( kindly avoid dialing this number, it connects u to the 'hutch care' executive) he/she has to dial each n every digit right... if even one number is changed we might end up reaching the wrong person, or such a number might not even exist... something as simple as a phone number in our lives requires its own level of perfection.. n we do it as a matter of fact everyday n even find short cuts to do so.. wld it be so difficult to dial those numbers of success in life?

Thats when the factor of failure comes in... according to me, failure represents the other half of the life system... an equally beautiful version... By failure i not only mean commercial failure but personal failures too! The B word that might send jitters down...

I would be lying if i say 'i hate success' coz thats what am working for, but am most cautious about it... I would again be lying if i say 'i love failures' for i would obviously want to avoid my mistakes, but i end up learning the most out of them...

Failures for one teach us... the small ones might affect us as much as an ant bite or for some, even negligent.. the medium ones wake us up n the big ones shake our roots... but at the end of it, we learn a lesson... to put it better, we HAVE TO learn the lesson... just that the tinier it is, the easier to come out of it, but as the deed gets postponed, the intensity just rises...

Failures also build in the so far non-existent fire! the fire to prove everyone n everything wrong that called us a failure! The fire to make them shut up for life! The fire to break every shackle there is n learn what it takes to be there... what it takes to taste it...

Y does one wanna be successful? But whats up after tasting it? The truth is, all of us r in search for happiness... anything n everything that one wants has an end result of happiness...

U want money, I want love, he wants success, she wants recognition... but y do all of us want that something? It matters so much to us bcoz we think that the particular end result has the ability to provide us with the happiness we r searching for! But what after u get the money n i get the love n he gets the success n she gets the recognition... does happiness stay? A deeper strive for happiness is begun afresh... A chase again.. happiness here is chased n not chosen!

Real happiness lies not in the accomplishment, but what all it takes to accomplish it... the toil, the fear, the sufferings, the pressure, the thoughts put in... simply put, the hard n the smart work! A number of well learnt failures is the path way for success... n success gives us happiness...

So y should one be vary of failures when they cld be the key to our happiness? The whole meaning of our lives?!

Finally, there is really no point in worrying abt our numerous failures, big or small, for they r tagged 'Past tense'... instead its all a way of life n a sure sign that success is not too far away!

Let us all give a toast to the not-so-enthusiastic-but-the-most-essential-split-of-our-lives!

Hail Failures!

For what they teach us... for what they make out of us... n finally, for what they r to us!

Monday, June 11, 2007

I wanna Move It Move It!

I was watching the movie "madegasker" last night.... Awesome is the word.

The characterisation, the animation, the script, the humour, the music n most importantly the story line were just right! Neither too much nor too less...

The movie revolves around 4 friends in the Zoo in the new york city... A lion (Alex), A zebra ( Marty), A hippo ( Gloria) n A giraffe ( Melman ).

What does the Zoo provide them?
1. Food (The best there is)
2. Water (Unlike our good ol' chennai. they dont seem to have a problem anyway)
3. Shelter (Intact with heaters n treadmills n well... cages!)
4. LIME LIGHT (The human factor that makes most of us tick)

Everyone except Marty loves the zoo for the stability that it provides n have no clues what they really are meant for. Alex roars on the Podium, Marty runs around with all his stunts, Gloria swims beautifully n Melman... well.. he is just a health freak! They do all this primarily to entertain the kids around!

But as the story goes, as per Marty's wish, they do end up in the wild one day... Marty, Gloria n Melman being herbivorous cope up with the shelter n the leaves n sea weeds that the island has to provide... Alex on the other hand, being a predator, wants steak... n the best part is, he doesnt realise that Marty, his best friend, is actually his steak!

The part in the wild life is what i really liked bcoz, the animals come to realise what they really are meant for n what they r in reality!

After a point, the human element sets in again, where Alex is guilty trying to make Marty edible! But Marty still goes to him n revives the friendship...

They live happily ever after (in the island) is all the story is about!

Finally a mix of reality (if u care to notice it) n real-illadhe-ty!

Not to forget the "Cute n cuddly" Penguins n the squirrels! was rolling on the floor laughing!

A movie that shld be watched atleast once!

Thursday, June 07, 2007


Its all a roller coaster ride,

The downs n ups forever take turns!

Who made me realise it?


Who came forward to help me when i was beaten?

Who gave me comfort while i needed a shoulder?

Who gave me the fire to carry on with life?


I dont ask much out of people,

Coz i know not many, who cld grant my wishes,

But i came fwd to ask n who granted them?


Who told me that its never the end?

Who made me smile when no one else could?

Who made me feel Iam what Iam n Iam the best at it?


You were born with my conscience,

You were brought up by my soul,

You would also die with me,

You are ME!